The Web Developer Bootcamp 2024
Colt Steele
Flexbox & Responsive Web Design Course PDFFlexbox is a one-dimensional layout method for arranging items in rows or columns. Items will expand to fill additional space, or shrink to fit into smaller spaces making it a flexible way of displaying content.
W3Schools | CSS Flexbox and Its Properties MDN | Flexbox Geeks4Geeks | CSS Flexbox and Its Properties CSS Flexbox Layout Guide
Why flexbox?
CSS flexible box layout enables you to:- Center a block of content inside its parent.
- Make all the children of a container take up an equal amount of the available width/height, regardless of how much width/height is available.
- Make all columns in a multiple-column layout adopt the same height even if they contain a different amount of content.
Flexbox consists of a parent container that is designated as a flex container, and the child elements that become the flex items.
Flex also works off of the premise of a MAIN and CROSS axis. These are determined by the flex designation, row or column, with row being the default.
- flex-direction: row; - gives you a left to right horizontal main axis and a vertical
cross axis.
- *note: this is the default axis setup for flex, so if you want a left to right main axis with a vertical cross axis, you can omit this statement.
- flex-direction: row-reverse; - gives you a right to left horizontal main axis and a vertical cross axis
- flex-direction: column; - gives you a top to bottom vertical main axis and a horizontal cross axis
- flex-direction: column-reverse; - gives you a bottom to top vertical main axis and a horizontal cross axis
Once you have designated a container as a flex container, AND determined which are the main and cross axises, you can then use flex properties to effect the layout of the content, within the flex container. Below is a partial list of some of these properties. Consult the documentation for more information.
Parent Properties:
- display: Defines a parent container as a flex container.
: Defines the main axis direction.
- row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
: allows child items to wrap onto multiple lines.
- wrap | nowrap | wrap-reverse
: shorthand for flex-direction and flex-wrap.
- row wrap | row-reverse nowrap | column wrap-reverse | column wrap
: aligns child items along the main axis.
- start | center | end | flex-start | flex-end | space-between | space-around | space-evenly | stretch
: aligns child items along the cross axis.
- same as justify-content plus baseline | first baseline | last baseline | and others
: aligns multiple lines of child items on the cross axis.
- Too many to list - consult the documentation
Children/Flex-items Properties:
- order : changes the order of items without altering the source order.
- flex-grow : allows an item to grow to fill available space.
- flex-shrink : allows an item to shrink if there’s insufficient space.
- flex-basis : defines the initial size of an item.
- flex : shorthand for flex-grow , flex-shrink , and flex-basis.
- align-self : aligns a single item within the flex container.